Greetings all,
I know it is a while since I’ve posted but it has happened again with the Windows updates I got Valentine’s Week.
Noticed it from an email link I got from a trusted friend. Clicked on it and it opened in a browser I did not recognize (I had previously actually uninstalled Edge) so this came as somewhat of a shock. :shocked face
Luckily it is easy to open Vivaldi and Set as default browser.
I am beginning to think myself lucky that my Windows laptop is for some reason not compatible with the New Windows 🙂 and although I wasn’t planning on buying a new computer I was recently was forced to watch a youtube ad for a new modular Acer. Every part is accessible to the user with the proper screwdrivers. Amazing. Apparently these have been around for a while and Dell (the parent company) also makes a few models. Who would have thunk it in this day and age where we have to fight for the Right to Repair our own property. There is also something from Europe that can be pre-configured with the ubiquitous Windows or with a variety of Linux systems or even a dual-boot system. So maybe there will be a new computer… $aving… $aving… $aving…